Monday, January 19, 2009

This is a pencil drawing that I worked on a few days ago just for practice, I really like how it turned out as far as sketches go. I had the urge to draw, so I began to draw the first thing that I saw. I am sure to do many more still lives of toys in the future... they are all over my house!

Baby Doll

This is a portrait I have just finished in pencil. I worked from a photograph, I would rather work from life as it seems to lend itself to a more free and less labored feel to the piece of work. I will post more sketches from life, and then some from photos... and see if you can tell the difference in the feel of the piece. This is a Portrait of Maggie, my step daughter.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Still life with Wine Bottle

This is one of the paintings from my website, I will post just a few of these paintings here on this blog, if you would like to see more of my paintings from the last few years... go check 'em out at: In the mean time I would like to post my latest happenings from the studio, keep in mind that I am just getting warmed up, as I have had a break in the creation process due to the other part of my life... (which has been my new little girl born last Christmas, the last of 4) So I will be working on Drawings, still lives and portraits... then onto my paintings of still lives and portraits... so, keep checking back to see what I've been up to...
and Enjoy!